Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saying Goodbye!

After a long week of long hours on the house, we spent Friday morning with the kids. They loved painting Easter eggs with Grandma and Grandpa before they departed back to Utah.Brennan found a constant friend in Grandpa as all he usually said was "Gwampa, I NEED you!" before dragging him off in one direction or another.

We don't feel like we made the usually fun-filled memories while they were here, but we did make it out to dinner Thursday night, and enjoyed their company during the long work filled days. Mom and Dad Smith were angels to open their home to them to sleep at nights (as the cabin can get a little tight for too many people and only 1 bathroom). This week flew by so quickly. The clock struck 10:00 and a few tears and hugs and kisses later they were on their way home. Thank you so much for the week!

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Your kids have grown soooooo much. I guess it's been almost two years since we've seen them. Taylor has grown into quite the yound woman.